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  • 个人主页http://
  • 性别
  • 生日1992 年
  • 兴趣爱好機械控
  • 学历本科




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742553627 2020-10-26 13:46
大大 你的羣青 我汉化完啦
742553627 2020-5-24 11:05
大大 你的羣青 我仍在翻译啊
hibari 2013-2-13 09:32
Hi five! I am also an engineering student!
面包 2012-8-1 00:33
AkaiYuri: XD..we should skype sometime to find out..
:D sure
my user name is Authern
面包 2012-7-31 11:40
lol, i have a semi british accent
面包 2012-7-29 14:18
AkaiYuri: I thought you live with your mother? How are you going to deal with her with your mother there?

...unless she actually has plans to move to US and g ...
yes, but my mom will prob. move in with her bf at the end of this yr. I have half of the house that i am living in right now, so just in case if she doesn't have enough money to pay rent and other daily expenses, i could at least lend her my third floor.
面包 2012-7-29 13:49
AkaiYuri : well, you are now 4 minutes into a new resolution >=) ...have at it (Chinese typing thing isn't working for some reason) ME Universe is over, DA ha ... never tried out fable... but i think if the fans demand another game, they will definitely think up something. ea is an enterprise, if fans are willing to pay for their games then they'll even pull out another series out of their ass. Look at Alien :D. i am just afraid of the possibility of her flying to NYC tmr...i sti ... ...
面包 2012-7-29 13:31
AkaiYuri : extended cut出來後激動的幾天不睡覺重新玩了一遍renegade femshep liara(30hr+)……結果第二天在上班的地方被上司comment: You look like something the dog ... lmao. 我被结局虐了之后就没再回去看更新了. Liara和femshep用别的时候我哭了, 我从第一部开始就和Liara在一起了. 看见她从以前的天真和谐美少女到后来独当一面, 再后来的各种shadow broker腹黑...这样的系列到这里也是一个段落了, 但是我不觉得EA会放弃ME和DA这两个系列. 稍微等几年就又会有新的出来的. 对了, 她四分钟前和老公分手了. ... ...
面包 2012-7-29 13:13
AkaiYuri: ……我發現妳的生日比我晚一年零7天啊……笑

而且也是Mass Effect fan麼?~

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