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发表于 2007-8-9 12:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It is weird.

If they had kingdoms, I''m sure that each castle/kingdom/fief would have 3-5 Claymores stationed there round the year and they get deployed from there as requests come in from the populace. But then, the girls would be paid for in terms of being ''rentals'' than say ''free lance''. And then it would be easier for rival teams to spring up...and the chance that a kingdom would attempt to utilize the Claymore for their own purposes.
Not to mention that a Claymore might get too attatched to anything other than the Org.


如果有王国, 我可以肯定每个王国将会有3-5个大剑全年守卫着,一旦人民有需求他们会被派遣到指定的地方, 这些大剑将会被雇佣而不是自由行动, 然后与他们竞争的队伍将更容易出现,当然,王国也有机会利用大剑来达到他们自己的目的.
到现在为止, 还有没有出现比组织更亲近大剑的事物.

I''m not sure money is regulated at all. They seem to be using sticks of precious metal. They may have some kind of common "standard weight", but rather than trust any kind of "face value", for big purchases, it''s likely merchants actually weigh the sticks on a scale. For small ones, guestimating should suffice.

我完全不明白货币是如何管理的? 货币似乎是用条状的贵重金属做成. 他们可能以一些标准重量作为货币单位, 而没有票面价值,对于一些大的交易, 似乎商人会以一些等级来称这些棒子, 我猜想是这样的.

Organization''s Methodology.

The organization acts pretty high handed IMO . On a ethical level they do treat claymores as entities rather than family or humans. Lot many instances of Top Ranked Claymores gone bad could have been avoided

Just take the case of Priscilla and Teresa there was no need for the execution . Teresa just wanted to be but unfortunately it wasn’t acceptable to the organization . The whole fiasco if handled intelligently could have been avoided .

As the world changes Rules need to evolve and this was a special case . They could have bent the rules if they did not want to break them .




当世界改变的时候,规则也应该改进而且这件事情是一个特例, 如果他们不想去破坏这些规则就应该改变规则.

I have a few theories/suggestions:

The lack of kingdoms is not unprecedented in real-world history. Think Dark Ages, between the fall of Rome to around the time of Charlemaigne's "Holy" Roman Empire. This was a time of total anarchy throughout Western Europe. Loyalties were entirely personal in nature, rather than national. That is, tribes of warriors followed the strongest leader, and leadership wasn't necessarily hereditary.
缺少王国的事情在真实的历史中是从来没有出现过的, 想一想黑暗的年代, 从罗马的衰落到Charlemaigne的圣罗马帝国. 西欧处于完全的独裁统治之中, 忠心完全是对个人的,而不是国家的.部落的武士跟随着最强大的领导者,领导权并不是世袭的.

It could well be the case that the World of Claymore (WoC -- not as catchy as the acronym of a "you-know-which" game out there, but it'll do ) is going through a similar Dark Ages period as well.

More likely, it's probably at the stage where it's gradually recovering from that Dark Age, because the individual towns seem wealthy enough.

Monetary commerce certainly exists, which suggests that someone is issuing the "common" currency. But from the single picture we've seen so far, they're just bars of gold with no official stamp on them. So, it's more likely to be a commonly accepted exchange system, perhaps based on the weight of the bars, rather than on the concept of "legal tender".
货币经济肯定是存在的, 那暗示着这里一定有某个组织在发行普通货币. 但是现在我们只能知道这么多, 他们只是一些黄金的棒条而且没有任何标记在上边.因此, 它像是一个普通能够接受的交换系统,也许是以棒条的重量而并非法定标准. (翻到这里我真是败了.,...)

What caused the Dark Age in the first place? Aha....maybe an epidemic of Youma? Long, long before the Organisation came into existence, and definitely a lot longer before Claymores came into existence.
是什么造成了这个黑暗时代的开始呢? 也许是在很久很久以前, 组织还没有存在的时候一场妖魔的大规模泛滥造成的. 显然那更是早于大剑的出现.

The origin of the Youma was probably well known at one stage, but it has since been lost in the mists of time. My speculation? They probably came from the East. No particular reason why, other than that there is where the Organisation is based. Plus the suggestion from the manga that the East is virtually a wasteland -- sounds like the scars of the original Youma epidemic, if you ask me
妖魔的出现,在那个时代可能是引人注目的, 但是那已经消失在时间的迷雾里了, 我猜想他们来自东方, 没有什么特别的原因,只是因为组织在东方, 再加上漫画里暗示到, 东方是一个荒芜之地, 听上去就像是早期妖魔留下的伤疤.

I am thinking about the security. As we can see, normal town people are no match to yoma, only the holy city has it's own security guards and system. Other smaller towns have no professional security personal(at least not visible so far). But travelers between towns and cities are common, look at the roads , wagens and hotels. And the "single" currency also means trade/commerce between towns is well established.
我想了想安全, 正如我们看到的,普通城镇具名根本不是妖魔的对手,只有圣都有自己的卫队系统. 其他小城镇没有专门的安全人员(至少现在没有看到). 但是, 从道路, 马车, 和旅馆来看,城市与城市之间的旅行是普遍的. 而且单一的货币也意味着城市之间的商业往来已经建立.

The security/safety of travelers are essential for trade to flourish, I think the yoma/awakened beings problems are not as bad as it seems. The only reliable way to get rid the yomas is to call a claymore and pay a hefty sum, I can't see this is a weekly occurence. Indeed I think "yoma in a town" thing is quite rare. But, besides yoma, there are bandits roaming around. So there must be some kind of law enforcement/ security arrangement between larger cities/ castle and nearby smaller towns.
旅行者的安全是贸易繁荣的基本条件. 我认为妖魔/觉醒者的问题并不是想象的那样严重. 唯一能够确信的是出掉妖魔需要找大剑帮忙并且付高额报酬. 我不并不认为每星期都需要那样做.事实上, 我认为妖魔隐藏在城市中的事情是很少的, 但是, 出了妖魔以外, 还有强盗在周围活动, 因此, 在大城市以及附近的小城镇之间肯定有一些法律法规的实施和安全安排

Some thoughts on Yomas,

1)Although yoma is on top of the food chain, their numbers must be very small compares to human.
虽然,妖魔是处于食物链的顶端, 但是数量一定远少于人类.
2)Yoma doesn't produce many offsprings, for yoma has a very long lifespan(immortal??), if they produce a lot of offsprings, a small number of claymores will not able to control their population.
妖魔不生育后代, 因为妖魔有很长的寿命(也许是不死的), 如果他们生育很多后代, 少量的大剑是不足以控制他们的数量的.
3)so far, neither manga nor anime has enough information about the gender of yoma(if they have), many of them seems to be male(sounds like). I wonder if they have any female. I'm really curious about their way of reproduction.
直到现在, 无论漫画还是动画都没有妖魔性别的信息, 他们许多似乎是男性(从声音上判断). 我想知道他们是否有女性, 我始终对他们如何繁殖十分迷惑.

Hmm..cool thread..but it would definitely be nice to know the government structure. Because, there doesnt seem to be any kingdom, each village is pretty much of an individual unit. Then again..existence of money ensures the existance of trade. The organization is more like a security facility.
恩, 很酷的主题, 但是显然要了解政府的结构是很愉快的,因为这里没有任何王国,每个村庄都是相当独立的单位, 然后, 钱的存在确保交易的存在, 组织更像是一个安全机关.

I wonder how the money is regulated and how come people have a common currency even though they arent under one kingdom.
我想知道货币如何统一, 和人们如何拥有普通的现抄.......

As for religion, there seems to be only the hint of Rabona city till now. Didnt feel any class distinction like rich or poor. There seem to be only a common middle class every where. Society rules are pretty strange for that matter in the anime.
至于宗教, 这里只有一个线索就是Rabona city,没有感觉到贫富分化, 似乎任何地方都是一样的社会阶级, 对于漫画里这样的社会规则是十分奇怪的.

The organization kind of rules everyone but doesnt really impose authority. They are making money, but for what i dont know. Maybe to make claymore hi tech machinery is needed..but who makes it..i have no idea.
组织的规则统治着每个人,但是没有强加于官方, 他们赚钱, 但是不知道拿去干什么, 也许用于制造大剑所需要的高科技机械, 但是我也不知道是谁做的大剑.

Frankly, quite a confusing society...but hech i dont mind the beautiful girls patrolling the area
总之, 一个非常混乱的社会, 但是我在乎漂亮女在这些地区巡逻.

Well Religion is present in the Claymore world. We know of at least two dieties that were worshipped at some point, the goddessess Teresa and Claire. It's not clear if they are still worshipped or if this is like greek mythology. Either way it really isn't uncommon to name someone after people in myths and scriptures. It's not clear if they are the dieties worshipped at Robona cathedreal, if they are part of a panthoen, or if the religion of Rabona is closer to christianity.
很好, 宗教出现在了大剑的世界里, 我们在同一时间知道了两个被信奉的对象, Teresa and Claire女神.但是并不清楚他们是不是仍然被信奉着, 或者这是否像是一个希腊神话.无论如何, 以神话或是雕象的名字命名都是不平常的, 并不清楚他们是否是圣都教堂所信奉的对象, 是否他们是神殿入口的一部分,或者也许圣都的宗教十分接近基督教.

Now we do know a little bit about Rabona Cathedreal. Claire and Raki's cover for going there, and their means of contacting the priest who hired them was that they had been on a pilgremige, and it seems that Rabona Cathedreal is the end of the pilgremige. The organization includes priests, Bishops ans an Archbishop. It seems semi simeler to the Catholic church, but less influnceal than the church was in medivel europe. It is unclear if Rabona is the center of the faith, or just an important stop. If not there may be a pope in charge, located in another city.
现在我们确实知道一些关于圣都教堂的, 小古和拿基伪装进入了那里, 意思是联系并雇佣他们的神甫正处在危险之中, 而且似乎圣都教堂就是这个危险的所在地.这个组织包括神甫, 主教和大主教. 那又有些像天主教的教堂(额~~~~~), 但是, 并不影响这个教堂是处于中世纪的欧洲. 不清楚圣都是否是信仰的中心城市,或者只是一个重要的城市,如果不是,也许有个教皇在另外的城市.

Whatever the case is, holy power is apparently not a problem for Yoma. The one hidding in the cathedreal had no issue with all the crosses and the like. So it seems you shouldn't try praying if a Yoma is going to eat you.
无论这个事件是怎样的, 神圣的力量对于妖魔来说并不是一个问题, 藏在教堂的妖魔并不害怕十字架或者类似的东西, 因此,如果一个妖魔要吃你祈祷是没有用的.
发表于 2007-8-9 12:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-9 12:54 | 显示全部楼层


[ 本帖最后由 江夜sama 于 2007-8-9 12:59 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-8-9 13:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-9 13:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-9 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
yamiboqe017 不能酱紫看动漫呀~~不能呀~~
作者太较真了= =
发表于 2007-8-9 14:23 | 显示全部楼层
脑残了 。。。。。。。。。

发表于 2007-8-9 14:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-9 14:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-9 14:43 | 显示全部楼层
換個角度來看, 他態度很認真, 最起碼肯思考, 而非別人說啥就是啥.
发表于 2007-8-9 14:48 | 显示全部楼层
對於遊戲或是動漫中的經濟 政治 體制都很感興趣

例如怪物又不用錢 為什麼死了會掉錢 = =+
主角是如何把大量的藥水 武器 裝備 背在身上到處亂跑的
為什麼一開始遇到的妖怪都很弱 後面的都很強 彷彿就是等主角等級追上來準備的

但是外國人的個性率直 是很認真的在探討這些問題
发表于 2007-8-9 15:04 | 显示全部楼层
其实呢, 我偶尔也会这有这样那样的想法..

发表于 2007-8-9 15:20 | 显示全部楼层




发表于 2007-8-9 15:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 姬宮詳子 于 2007-8-9 14:48 发表
對於遊戲或是動漫中的經濟 政治 體制都很感興趣

以前日 ...

作個不太適當的比喻, 說不定這也是300和一些其他論壇的分別......
发表于 2007-8-9 16:18 | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 姬宮詳子 于 2007-8-9 14:48 发表
對於遊戲或是動漫中的經濟 政治 體制都很感興趣

以前日 ...

发表于 2007-8-9 17:29 | 显示全部楼层






[ 本帖最后由 LordChinese. 于 2007-8-9 17:59 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-8-9 18:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wakka 于 2007-8-9 15:39 发表

作個不太適當的比喻, 說不定這也是300和一些其他論壇的分別......

发表于 2007-8-9 20:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-9 20:25 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 LordChinese. 于 2007-8-9 17:29 发表
先进的思考方式和落后的思考方式就从这件事上分化出来了。或许这就是为什么擅长理性思维的欧洲人能够更早地创立科学体系、进入工业革命,并且征服大部分的世界;也因为如此,凡事不求甚解,不做深入思考、排斥逻 ...

写的不错,说的也很有道理,只是欧美的动漫却也从没给人深度的感觉,思想上来说比起亚洲的更弱.不过单凭借一个作者的力量在一部作品去构筑一个完整的社会体系根本是不可能的yamiboqe017 西方人的思维方式确实值得借鉴,但对于快餐式生产的日本动漫很难有所触动.只是我们自己应当提倡这种思维方式(起码在很多方面有利)............
发表于 2007-8-9 21:13 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 LordChinese. 于 2007-8-9 17:29 发表


阿布大人曾说过,"细节就不要那么在意了" 因为阿布大人知道在什么领域应该用什么样的方式思考.

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