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[动画讨论] 【推特转载翻译】Ave mujica对睦和解离性身份疾患(DID)之描写:DID背景下的分析情报贴(第2集,第3集,作者发癫,第4集)

发表于 2025-1-24 17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 volta 于 2025-1-25 18:04 编辑






what is dissociative identity disorder (DID)?
DID is a mental health condition in which a person has multiple identities. these identities are known as alters, and they exist within a system. alters change who is fronting (controlling the body) via switching


as you would expect from the name, DID involves a lot of dissociation. it is thought to be the most extreme form of dissociation: creating multiple identities within the same mind and body to handle overwhelming circumstances or severe trauma.

DID is highly correlated with childhood trauma and trauma-based disorders like (C)PTSD. it is also often comorbid with other dissociative disorders like depersonalization (detachment from one's mind and body) and derealization (detachment from reality)

symptoms of DID include:
- separation between a person and their emotions
- believing people and things around you are not real
- an unstable sense of self or identity
- memory loss or amnesia
- time loss (due to dissociation)
- sudden, stark shifts in personality and identity

- 患者和其情绪的分离
- 认为周围事物失去真实感
- 自我意识或者自我认同的不稳定
- 失忆症
- 时间感丧失
- 人格和身份的突然变化

throughout all of episode two, mutsumi is dissociating. she says barely anything and is always staring ahead with that glassy-eyed look. this is true in the wakaba home, at interviews, and during the photoshoot
Screenshot 2025-01-24 165554.png

It looks like she isn't entirely there during most conversations. this is what dissociation looks like to the outside viewer. she isn't focusing at all because she's not really "there" mentally to focus on what is happening.
Screenshot 2025-01-24 170230.png

when leaving the studio in this same scene, mutsumi's movements are stilted and unnatural like she has forgotten how to walk normally. this is also common with extreme dissociation: regular motion is stifled by the heavy degree of distance between body and reality
Screenshot 2025-01-24 170510.png

mutsumi's dissociation stare doesn't just come up there though. it is very present throughout the rest of the episode. she's glassy-eyed during the photoshoot, so much so that the photographer takes note of it. she is not focusing, and it is clear
Screenshot 2025-01-24 170954.png

there are other shots spliced in between the photoshoot showing mutsumi sitting near a window and worrying. her eyes are glassy again, but there's something else: if you look outside the window, you can see time is visibly passing as the lighting changes
Screenshot 2025-01-24 171428.png

mutsumi is worrying intensely in some shots, but in others, it looks like she feels nothing at all. this is a detachment between mutsumi and her emotions. this specific phenomenon is called emotional amnesia, something that happens often with DID

emotional amnesia involves a person not remembering how they felt during a traumatic situation. being unmasked and facing the fallout of it was traumatic for her, and mutsumi is dissociating the pain away, leading to time loss

and nowhere is the time loss better shown than the cut at the end of the photoshoot scene. it is somewhat abrupt, suddenly jumping to mutsumi laying down in her bed. she looks as if she is waking up, but she has clearly been active throughout the day to get there
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just before this jump, the audio grows distant and distorted. dissociation can cause distortion of noise as part of its detachment from reality. voices become garbled, and the camera grows softer and softer until it fades away entirely. this shows derealization clearly

after coming to, mutsumi gets off her bed in a confused daze. she ultimately goes to the basement to hug her guitar instead of laying in bed. it does not seem like this is the same mutsumi who laid down. she switched between the photo shoot, and now, she is switching back in

this isn't the only example of amnesia in this episode. there's one other strange cut near the end of the episode when mutsumi is changing into her mortis costume just before the live show. the camera flash noise here is important: in episode two, the camera flash is the signifier that mutsumi and mortis are switching. a loud flash is the last noise we heard in the switch during the photo shoot, and now, it's the noise that shows something changing in mutsumi just before the live. when it cuts to her face after the flash, she seems completely different: no longer breathing heavily and suddenly composed
Screenshot 2025-01-24 173925.png

immediately afterward, mutsumi is on the stage, and she is clearly confused by how she found herself there. mutsumi switched back in after arriving on stage, but she doesn't know how she got there because she was not in control at the time
Screenshot 2025-01-24 173856.png

so after episode two, mutsumi has already shown intense dissociation, derealization, depersonalization, a separation between herself and her emotions, time loss, and memory loss. that is all damning evidence that she has DID, but episode three has even more as we meet morti



参与人数 2积分 +20 收起 理由
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 楼主| 发表于 2025-1-24 18:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 volta 于 2025-1-25 13:32 编辑

mortis is the missing piece of this puzzle. she is mutsumi's alter and protector and the reason for the memory and time loss. the camera flashes in episode two were because mortis was switching in and taking control when mutsumi grew too stressed and dissociated
Screenshot 2025-01-24 175337.png

switches happen often because of an outside stressor or trigger. in this case, mortis is taking over to protect mutsumi from what is going on. mutsumi is unaware of mortis' existence until episode three though and is instead confused about what is happening to her

during mortis' explanation of mutsumi's life, there are a few things to note. when mortis presents the show, she does so through mutsumi's body, but her mannerisms are very visibly different from what we are used to seeing from mutsumi. different alters often have different mannerisms and voices. it's not obvious if the system is masking, but if they let themselves show it, then it can be obvious when a switch happens. and this version of mutsumi is very clearly NOT mutsumi
Screenshot 2025-01-24 180120.png

the dollhouse shot is also interesting. a doll version of mutsumi resembling mortis is downstairs with her parents while mutsumi herself is upstairs and panicking. mutsumi is having an out of body experience and does not see herself as being in the room (derealization)
Screenshot 2025-01-24 180354.png Screenshot 2025-01-24 180405.png

the entire show of mutsumi's life can be interpreted as mortis giving full access to their memories to mutsumi. mutsumi has amnesia around stressful periods, and mortis remembers in her place. now, mortis cannot hide anymore and is showing mutsumi all she has experienced

throughout the episode, mortis is trying to convince mutsumi to give her control of the body in full. switches before were somewhat unpredictable, but mortis wants a consensual changing of places so mortis can protect mutsumi from then on

for us (and likely for many others), being triggered or stressed may not automatically result in a switch. sometimes, it means the alter fronting will get "stuck" and not be able to switch out. that seems to be happening with mutsumi, doubly because she fears yielding her control
对于我们来说,外界施加的压力或者刺激,可能不会自动地导致切换swtich。这有的时候意味着,浮上意识的另我alter可能会「卡」在此处,无法切离switch out。这看起来就是睦身上正发生的事情,而睦对自己控制身体时的恐惧,可能更会提高这一现象发生的概率。

so mortis keeps pressing it, and mutsumi keeps dissociating. mutsumi doesn't respond when nyamu arrives at her home. as sakiko and umiri come in, mutsumi spaces out of the conversation entirely to listen to mortis and the other dolls talk instead
Screenshot 2025-01-24 183226.png

mortis is very clearly not malicious. she even hugs mutsumi's shoe during their exchange. mortis wants to look after mutsumi no matter what it takes. mutsumi will break if she keeps going on like this, so mortis vows to take care of her however she can

mutsumi only comes back to reality again after umiri calls her name a few times. this shows how intense her dissociation was while she was communicating with mortis. to systems with poor communication, talking to other alters can result in heavy dissociation as shown here
Screenshot 2025-01-24 183829.png

it's worth mentioning now that when mutsumi sees mortis and the other dolls, she is accessing "headspace," the inner world where alters can see and speak with each other. this world exists in the system's head, and they use it to communicate. it is not the world of reality as we know it: this is a place in mutsumi's mind, and there is a stark difference between it and the basement of the wakaba home. this isn't really a hallucination; it's mutsumi accessing headspace to speak with mortis and the others. notice how the others in the room (sakiko, nyamu, and umiri) entirely disappear when mutsumi is speaking with mortis and the others. mutsumi is retreating into headspace, a place the other three cannot access, so they do not know what she is seeing or hearing

mutsumi's next major bout of dissociation is during the conversation on the train platform. the others are arguing, and mutsumi is having a flashback to the breakup of crychic. she begins to panic and hyperventilate, the audio distorting... leading into yet another strange cut
Screenshot 2025-01-24 192252.png

the train goes by, and when the camera next focuses on the ave mujica cast, the entire train ride has passed in a blur. mutsumi has switched out again, but she came back after the train ride. she then starts walking home in a dissociated daze, barely aware of what she is doing
列车驶过,当镜头再次对准Ave Mujica成员时,车上的路程已经转瞬而逝了。睦又一次切离switch out,但是在列车到站后又回来了。之后睦恍惚地开始回家,几乎意识不到自己的行动。

during the final piece of the episode, mutsumi finally agrees to let mortis protect her. mortis offers mutsumi an umbrella, and mutsumi accepts it. mortis swallows mutsumi whole, and the camera cuts over to show that "mutsumi" has completely changed

this is not mutsumi's voice nor are they her mannerisms. however, the mannerisms perfectly match mortis' interpretation during her recounting of mutsumi's past earlier in the episode. mortis has switched in, and we are seeing her acting as herself for the first time
Screenshot 2025-01-24 193822.png

i want to take this chance to say that mortis is NOT evil. her "swallowing" mutsumi is honestly a very accurate interpretation of what switching can feel like sometimes, especially if it's the first major switch in a long time. mortis is not evil. please do not call her that.




参与人数 2积分 +25 收起 理由
sl917119 + 10
小狮子cylinder + 15


 楼主| 发表于 2025-1-24 20:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 volta 于 2025-1-24 20:25 编辑


oh yeah one more thing. coming from someone with DID, in-system relationships and romance are NORMAL!!!!! alters date each other all the time!!!!! ship mutsumi and mortis to your heart's content because that is something that happens all the time in systems!!!!! we have a partner who we love with all our heart. even with that in mind, like 70% of our alters are dating other alters in some way. i promise it's not problematic to ship mutsumi and mortis together. do it. i encourage it. feed my new favorite ship



参与人数 1积分 +5 收起 理由
ckyy14 + 5 这太好笑了哈哈哈哈


 楼主| 发表于 2025-1-24 22:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 volta 于 2025-1-25 13:33 编辑

now that episode four is here, let's talk about mutsumi, mortis and their DID within ave mujica! another thread by a DID system
现在第四集出来了,来说一说睦、Mortis以及Ave Mujica中表现出来的DID吧!

the main point i want to touch on here is introjection. "what is introjection?" introjection is when a person unconsciously or consciously starts to adopt the habits, attitudes, or behaviors of other people around them. introjection can happen to anyone, but it presents very differently within systems. in the case of systems, "introject" describes an alter type in which an alter is based on an outside source. this can be fictional (called fictives by the community) or it can be someone in real life (called factives in the community). sometimes, introjects are not sourced from one person/thing but instead combine the behaviors and habits of many outside sources to create one alter. mortis definitely does this specifically with soyo & sakiko

mortis copies a lot of sakiko's phrasing over the course of the episode. her speech about keeping ave mujica together and their destinies being intertwined is word for word what sakiko said with crychic back in mygo's third episode
Mortis在这一集中,使用了很多祥子曾经说过的话。她对Ave Mujica是命运共同体的发言,就是Mygo第三集中,祥子关于CRYCHIC台词的原样复刻。

perhaps the scariest time mortis copies sakiko's phrasing is when she says that mutsumi is "already dead," copying sakiko saying that the weak version of herself has already died in ep13 of mygo. mutsumi is just asleep, but mortis still mirrors sakiko's choice of words

mortis mirrors sakiko in other ways too. at the end of episode three, her curtsy move on the live show is a perfect copy of what sakiko does as oblivionis before starting an ave mujica performance. mortis even copies sakiko's inflection during this speech in ep3
其他方面上,Mortis也在模仿祥子。在第三集结束时,Mortis在舞台上行的屈膝礼,就是Oblibionis在Ave Mujica开始演奏前所行礼的完美复制。第三集的这一幕里,Mortis甚至复制了祥子的语调。

sakiko isn't the only person mortis is taking after though. mortis also copies soyo at times. the most blatant example is the meltdown she has at the end of the episode when the others tell her that ave mujica is over mirroring soyo being told crychic is over
然而祥子并不是唯一一个Mortis模仿的人。Mortis有的时候也会模仿素世。最为直接的例子就是第四集结尾,Mortis得知Ave Mujica要解散时的崩溃表现,她复制了素世得知CRYCHIC要解散时的举止。
Screenshot 2025-01-24 205452.png

mortis also does a few things to copy soyo's physical behavior such as crossing her fingers to say no to someone. she also has her hand on her chest during the group photo, perfectly matching soyo's photo in her primary piece of stock art

this makes a lot of sense. to mutsumi, sakiko and soyo have both been sources of support and love. mortis is mutsumi's protector, and she is mimicking and imitating the people who have brought mutsumi comfort and safety in the past to help her out now too

mortis' behavior throughout this episode is all fueled by her desire to protect and help mutsumi even if her choices are a bit misguided. she is a protector alter, meant to look after her system and keep it safe. she thinks the best way of doing that is keeping ave mujica intact
Mortis这一整集的行动都出于一个目的,保护,帮助睦,尽管她做出的选择朝向了错误的方向。她是一个保护型的另我alter,目的是照看自己的解离系统system,确保其安全。她认为达成这个目的的最好方式,就是让Ave Mujica完好地存在下去。

but mortis' actions are sometimes misguided and spiral out of control. she is doing what she thinks is best, but that may not actually be the most appropriate thing to do at any given moment, and her misguided attempts to help mutsumi ultimately cause the group to disband

another thing to note is that mortis tends to act much younger than she is bodily. this is very common in systems. different alters can have different ages that are older or younger than the body, and that seems applicable to mortis here

systems also tend to be a lot shakier on age in general. systems and alters can be prone to age regression and acting younger than they actually are. this is particularly interesting with mortis because of the history we know mutsumi has. from a young age, mutsumi was pushed into the spotlight as the child of two celebrities. the wakaba home feels impersonal and barely lived in, empty and very "adult" in a strange way. this is in stark contrast to mutsumi's inner world which is all plushes and toys

her alters present themselves as toys with mortis showing up as a doll. to me, all of this implies that mutsumi had to grow up too quickly and never really had a childhood as she wanted. as a coping mechanism, mutsumi's headspace is full of everything she wanted

and as a result of all of that, mortis comes off as somewhat immature and childish. she may not be a child alter specifically, but there's something strange going on with her age, and she very distinctly does not talk or act like she is fifteen years old

mortis' childish behavior also shows in her handwriting. mortis is clearly the one writing here given the time this came out as well as the young, clunky handwriting featured on her card
Screenshot 2025-01-24 220629.png

this is also a sign of skill regression, something that happens often in DID. if one alter has experience with something but another has never done it, then switching may lead to regression of that skill. alters are literally different parts of the brain activating, so some of them are skilled at things that others are not. in mortis' case, she cannot play guitar like mutsumi. her body has done it before, but mortis does not have all that experience that mutsumi does, making it much harder for her even though she is willing to learn

i want to say that mortis and mutsumi have been honestly great representation so far. the only thing i would critique is the choice of "split personality" when referring to mortis. this is a very outdated choice of phrasing, though it is accurate to what people--who know nothing about the condition would say. this is something i have heard many times when talking about plurality to people for the first time, so even if it's not the best choice of words, it feels fitting for the circumstances

i really don't want anyone to hate mortis for her behavior in this episode or in general. this show is doing a great job of showing her as a three dimensional person with her own flaws and strengths, and that is amazing and far more than representation of DID is usually given. mortis might be flawed, but she is not evil by any means, and i love her to pieces. she is misguided but wants the best for mutsumi and ave mujica at the end of the day. i look forward to seeing what she does next. and that should be it from this thread. i hope you all enjoyed. if you want to ask more about DID both in connection to or outside of ave mujica, my ask box is open for questions. great episode this week. mutsumortis remains very real forever
我很不希望大家因为这一集或者整部作品中的表现而厌恶Mortis。这部作品非常好地展现出Mortis立体的形象,有着自己的缺陷和强处,这种让人惊叹的细致刻画远远超出了DID在各种作品里的通常待遇了。Mortis或许存在缺陷,但是她绝对不是邪恶的反派,而我超级喜欢她。她走错了方向,但是视线一直朝着睦和Ave Mujica,直到最后。我相当期待Mortis接下来的戏份。那么这一集就到此结束,希望各位看得开心。如果有想问戏里戏外关于DID的问题的,请来我的提问箱。非常优秀的一集。睦xMortis99。




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ssr0150 + 5 感谢大佬翻译 这下终于明白为什么看mortis.


 楼主| 发表于 2025-1-24 22:42 | 显示全部楼层







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发表于 2025-1-25 03:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-1-25 07:47 | 显示全部楼层
哇,原来百合会还有人正经研究心理学(bushi)  我个人是精神分析主义者(当然是业余的),所以我觉得像mortis这样的他我,本身就诞生于自我与他者的误认中吗?不就是想象界为了维持主体与外界一致性所创造的幻象吗?从主体跟外界的角度来看,睦头作为一个主体是连贯的,但是,作为自我的小睦感觉不到这种连贯性,因为我们所看到的(更是我们所有人所体验故事的“镜头”),mortis(他我)好像是同我们相分离的,但这只是相对于小睦而言,相对于正在看故事的我们而言的。
发表于 2025-1-25 07:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-1-25 09:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-1-25 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2025-1-25 18:00 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-1-26 12:09 | 显示全部楼层


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2900352487 + 3 我很赞同


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发表于 2025-1-28 17:41 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2025-1-28 18:48 | 显示全部楼层
2900352487 发表于 2025-1-28 17:41


[AO3转载翻译][Mortis睦][Ave Mujica] 睡美人的孔雀舞 (小小睦和小Mortis的故事)(原名:Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant)
发表于 2025-1-31 21:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-2-8 09:48 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-2-12 04:30 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2025-3-11 00:09 | 显示全部楼层
以下是原文和翻译:柿本:(笑)本を読んだり何か調べたりするのは、小さい項からずっと好きですれ。大学で学んだのは経済学ですが、歷史や物理学も昔から好きですし、心理学や犯罪心理学にも興味がありました。「Ave Mujica』では、シリアルキラ-の話や解離性同-障害、ミュンヒハウゼン症候群など、心理的なテ-マも作品に組み込みながら物語を作っています。
柿本:(笑)從小我就喜歡讀書或調查些什麼。我大學主修的是,但一直以來我對歷史、物理學,以及心理學、犯罪心理學都非常感興趣。在《Ave Mujica》中我們融合了如連環殺手的故事、解離性同一障礙以及孟喬森症候群等心理主题,将這些融入到作品的敘事之中。
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