前两个视频那四个男生他们踩着在现代社会里只属于女人的高跟鞋, 而且strut很有自己的swagger, in the gay community that's when we snap our fingers and say: yeahh sister, you owned that shit!
能够如此自信的跳着同样在现代社会里只属于女性的舞蹈, 我认为那是很值得嘉赏的. 或许因为他们是舞者, 而在艺术(or fashion)里, 独立是可以理解并且被接受的.
我想我们的社会是多元化的, 但是在某些地方却显得特别的rigid. 比如说男性穿的裙子就是kilt, 但是女性却是skirt. 当然, the scottish culture is a lot different than our culture, or other cultures in general, and we shouldn't judge them for embracing their tradition by wearing a skirt, i mean kilt.