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[翻译][任天堂 3ds][IGN]美妙的Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater 3DS

已有 1275 次阅读2010-6-16 17:39 |个人分类:游戏|

The 3DS is a pretty amazing piece of kit, but there are very few "must see" games at the booth
beyond the demos of stereoscopic 3D without the need for glasses. If there was one demo I'd
recommend anyone see over everything else, it'd definitely be the demo for Metal Gear Solid: Snake
3ds非常的美妙,但是现在可展示的游戏还不多。如果非要我们推荐一个让人印象深刻的试玩的话,那么非Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater莫属
The demo, like 90 percent of the 3DS software at the show, is not playable…but it is interactive.
Players can move the camera around with the 3DS system's analog slide pad at specific points in the action. The demo is running in realtime, and it shows just how detailed the 3DS visual capabilities can be. This is the first generation of 3DS software, and already it's impressive.
这个试玩就像其他大部分的3ds游戏一样,只能看,不能玩:D,但是它仍然很吸引人。我们只能用摇杆变换一下视角,这个Metal Gear Solid的试玩是即使演算的,它向大家展示了3ds大概的机能。这不过是(开发者们在还没有摸清楚3ds机能潜力的)早期的第一代3ds游戏,不过她已经看上去很棒了。
The demo is slow crawl through the jungle where the camera will push through the foliage and slide
along an enormous crocodile – this really shows off the texturing and lighting effects of the
engine used in the game. Eventually you'll meet up with Snake and watch him bolt across a rope
bridge after being pursued by a swarm of deadly jungle bugs. After a quick bit of acrobatics to show off the amazing depth of the 3DS system's stereoscopic display, you hit the title screen that shows off even more stereoscopic 3D in the title itself.
The graphics look on par with (or even better than) the PlayStation 2 version of Snake Eater –
developers told us prior to the debut of the 3DS that the hardware is well beyond Wii and approaching 360/PS3 capabilities with what the system can do, and when you see this demo in action you can see why they would have said that.
画面看上去跟ps2版本的Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater差不多,也许要好一些。游戏的开发者们在3ds还没有公布之前告诉我们3ds的机能潜力远超wii,甚至接近Xbox360/ps3的水平,看到这个游戏之后你会明白他们为什么要这么说。。。







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